DBFZ Fights of Online WarriorZ #1

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DBFZ Fights of Online WarriorZ #1
Pic Source: Tyrant_UK on Twitch
It’s not often you see Videl with her C Assist at esports events — and a team with this character wins

Do you wanna be starting something? It seems like Tyrant’s answer would be yes — and he actually did start a new thing in the European FGC. On the last weekend, we could enjoy DBFZ matches of Online WarriorZ #1.

Sure, it’s not your biggest event, as the participants are only from the UK, Ireland, and the Netherlands. But can this be an obstacle for good fighting esports? 

Online WarriorZ #1 is interesting to watch. And also, it’s part of the DBFZ World Tour 2022/2023 as a community event.

DBFZ Esports | Online WarriorZ #1 | Stream, brackets

Videct and plug made it to the Winners Final through the parallel brackets. In their first fight, plug won and sent Videct to Losers.

But then, the guy defeated uba and proceeded to the Grand Final as well.

DBFZ Esports | Online WarriorZ #1 | Stream, Grand Final

It looked like Videct had all the chances to celebrate. In the first match, he defeated plug and reset the bracket.

And in the decisive match, the fight was pretty even — the players reached the very last game. But plug started it with an incredible Happy Birthday and then did not lose this advantage.

plug is the Champion of Online WarriorZ #1. Congratulations!

Top Moment

A Happy Birthday by plug in the decisive game of the Grand Final.

DBFZ Teams in the Grand Final

Regular esports events happen in the offline dimension as well. Did you watch matches of Juicy Monthly November?

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