One of the coolest guys you'll meet in real life, but what are the things he wants to spend his time doing?
DF: Give us five artistes you have on repeat right now?
VGY: 21 Savage, Arctic Monkeys, Bryan Adams, Logic, Childish Gambino
DF: What are your top 5 songs right now?
VGY: Summer of 69' (Bryan Adams) No One (Alicia Keys) A lot (21 Savage) Privileged Rappers (Drake/21 Savage) Racing Hearts (Mattie Maguire)
DF: Do you have mood music for playing games? If so, who do you usually go with?
VGY: Not paricularly. I love the music for pretty much all the games I play so i just listen to that as i play it. Plus i like to be as focued on the game as possible
DF: What is your comfort media? What is the story behind your love for it?
VGY: Youtube videos of people playing my favorite games. Resident Evil, MK, FPS games, etc.
DF: Comfort movie?
VGY: The Dark Knight or any John Wick film.
DF: Comfort series?
VGY: Spongebob, all day every day.
DF: What are your top 5 games outside of Mortal Kombat
VGY: Resident Evil (my favorite series ever), Tekken, Injustice, Soulsbourne games and Ninja Gaiden games.
DF: If you could name one game that defined your childhood, what would it be? Can you tell us about your relationship with the game?
VGY: Resident Evil 5. Me and brother have played that an unholy amount of times and it never got boring. It was there when i was down and gave me the best memories. Every time I see it now I just smile because of how good it was and still is. Whenever I need a good time, I boot it up and just finish it and it never gets old.
DF: If you could only listen to one artiste for the rest of your life, eat one meal for the rest of your life, and play one game for the rest of your life, what would your selections be?
VGY: Bryan Adams, Spaghetti Bolognase, Elden Ring
DF: What is one thing you don’t think anyone would believe you love, that you actually love?
VGY: I love playing tennis, like a lot. I have never spoken about it or made it obvious but its probably my favorite sport to play next to football.