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DashFight Presents: A Day in the Life of.... WiZEGEMiNi

Femi Famutimi
3 min

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DashFight Presents: A Day in the Life of.... WiZEGEMiNi
WiZEGEMiNi is a fascinating one, we got to talk to him and understand how he prepares for tournaments

Brandon "WiZEGEMiNi" Jeremy is a Mortal Kombat 1 player from El Paso, US. He was notable in Mortal Kombat 11 with a 17th place at EVO 2019. He also competed and did well at Kombat Cup: Road to LCQ, Caged Vendetta's, The Kolosseum, and others. 

In MK1, he made top 24 at East Coast Throwdown 2023 and is in various tournaments.

WiZEGEMiNi is also a musician and you can check him out on Spotify and Twitch.

DF: How does the typical day go for you?

WiZEGEMiNi:  I wake up at early hours of the day to get to work. Once work is done around 4pm i come home feed myself and my dog and then hop on MK.

DF: Do you ever get nervous on the day of a tournament? If so, how do you deal with the nerves?

WiZEGEMiNi: I used to get really nervous when i played in tournaments online but after a long time of just playing in them i no longer feel that. Offline its more excitement than nerves.

DF: Do you have any pre-tournament rituals, like a special shirt, or some other thing that helps you prepare for the day ahead?

WiZEGEMiNi: Gotta make sure I have my caffiene ready, lol

DF: What’s your routine on the night before a big tournament?

WiZEGEMiNi: TRY to get some sleep, lol.

DF: Do you have a favourite pre-tournament meal? If so, what is it? And if you don’t have one, what would you imagine you’d want as one?

WiZEGEMiNi: Food before tourney always has to be light so u dont get any type of sleepy, so maybe like a sub or sandwich.

DF: Do you prefer to practice during the day or at night, and what are the benefits of your preferred time slot?

WiZEGEMiNi: I personally am playing practice mode the entire time i'm on the game unless my friends want to run games.

DF: How do you practice before tournaments, does your practice emphasis change just before an event?

WiZEGEMiNi:  I'll usually try to butter up on all my combos and punishes depending on matchups I'll be running into.

DF: If you lose in tournament, what is your go-to activity to help you get back up?

WiZEGEMiNi:  Take a break and remind myself theres always more ways to improve.

DF: What side are you on this debate: Fans should not come up to a player who just lost for a photo or an autograph? Why do you think so?

WiZEGEMiNi: You gotta give the player at least an hour to recover morale and spirits after a loss, nobody wants to take pictures unhappy.

DF: What tips would you give anyone on the best way to prepare for a tournament?

WiZEGEMiNi: Practice makes perfect and to also play in exhibitions to prepare for bracket like play Then we have these questions about life outside the game.

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