Character Representation for Capcom Cup May Reveal Most Broken Fighter

Femi Famutimi
3 min

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Character Representation for Capcom Cup May Reveal Most Broken Fighter
With the constant debate about who is the top tier in Street Fighter 6, the character representation might give us our answer

Capcom Cup X promises to be an exciting time and novel too because of the fact that a new game will be making its debut. Therefore, there is a lot of scrutiny around the Capcom Pro Tour which is the path through which players will qaulify for the showpiece event.

So far, about 23 players have qualified for Capcom Cup from the online premieres, offline premiers, and World Warrior events and we now have breakdowns as to what the character representation looks like. 

Of the 23 players, 11 characters have been represented (including those who are pocket characters) and 9 are yet to get any representation. 

The character with the highest representation is series protagonist, Luke, with 5 entrants. Next in line is Ken and Dee Jay, with 4 players each and then we have JP with three players using him to qualify. 

This breakdown is sure to reignite the debate over who is top tier and who isn't. The popular idea is that Ken and JP are broken characters while mention of Luke is certainly prevalent, but not as ever-present as the billionaire family man, and the evil philantropist. However, with the records showing 5 players qualifying with Luke, there needs to be some reassessment of the situation and perhaps this shows that Luke is actually the most broken character. 

This is probably because he's not bad at anything, and this makes him a popular pick especially at higher levels. Dee Jay is the other character that has caught the eye and there are four Dee Jays in Capcom Cup including Fuudo, Namikaze, JabhiM, and Xian. 

On the other side are the characters who have no representation at all. The most surprising of those is Cammy who is a great character and is probably still going to get into Capcom Cup somehow, but it remains to be seen. 

Another statistic that showed up was a breakdown of all the chartacters used in top 8 so far provided by X user, AlietteFaye. From the breakdown we see that only 2 characters haven't seen any use in the top 8 at all and they are Jamie and Lily. Perhaps this might be the criteria used to buff these characters. 

Of the hopefuls for Capcom Cup, the North America East region and Japan are the two places eyes have turned to as one of NuckleDu, iDom, Punk and MenaRD are sure to miss out of the tournament while in Japan the situation is even more remarkable as legends like Tokido and Daigo are unlikely to make the event along with new talents like Kakeru. 

The CPT North America East will take place on the weekend of the 13th and 14th of January 2024, while Japan's online premiere will take place on the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd of December 2023. 

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