Brawlhalla Reveals Details of Patch 7.12

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Brawlhalla Reveals Details of Patch 7.12
Buffs for the Hammer, Gnash, Magyar, and Reno

Quite a few changes are coming to Brawlhalla with the balance update 7.12. The Patch Preview has been published on the official site, and it’s really better to check it out here to know every single detail — even before the patch is actually out. But still, it would be interesting to highlight some adjustments.

Battle Boots get some stats decreased, but the developers don’t name that nerfs. Sigs of Battle Boots Legends are nerfed, though: Red Raptor has increased recovery time for Down Sigs, and Tezca’s Down threat coverage is smaller.

Reno and Gnash are among those who are buffed. These Legends are rarely (almost never) seen at pro events, and they are often placed low in Brawlhalla tier lists. It feels like they deserve some improvements.

Wu Shang and Mirage get some nerfs. May this change the opinion of such players as Godly and Sandstorm on these characters?

Among weapons, Blasters and Katars nerfs feel to be pretty substantial

Visual representation of this patch may be helpful if you are not up to delving into details:

It usually doesn’t take long for the developers to release Brawlhalla balance updates after publishing such previews. 

It is still more likely that we will see the current version of the game at the Summer Royale, which happens in just a couple of days.

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