Arslan Ash Offers Criticism for the TWT Format

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Arslan Ash Offers Criticism for the TWT Format
He and many other players voiced their opinion about the TWT Regional Finals format and more.

The initial announcement of the Tekken World Tour was beyond exciting, as it meant more high-level Tekken competitions, more glory to fight for, and sizable prizes for those who make it to the finals. What's more, the new world tour included more of, well, the world by including North Africa and Pakistan regions.

However, Arslan Ash recently pointed out that he has an issue with the existing format, namely, the online regional finals. Due to the suboptimal internet conditions in the region, online tournaments are a huge liability that could lead to terrible results. Instead, it would be much easier to host an offline tournament, which also offers the best conditions for an event of this scale.

Other people also chimed in with their criticism of the format, including the general consensus that offline finals are preferable in all regions.

XiT player Anya shared the problems of the Central America region, noting that the mix of countries from North, Central, and South America has led to poor online connections between players.

Super Akouma approached the topic from a new angle, stating that there should be no regional finals at all since just one event can undo months of hard work and stellar performance.

Bandai Namco Esports account was quick in responding to these concerns, ensuring that the feedback is heard and will be forwarded to the team.

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