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Letter From the Editor Vol. II — November

Letter From the Editor Vol. II — November

Elizbar Ramazashvili
5 min

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Join me in the brief look over what we've done in October, and read some of my thoughs on Tekken 8 CBT

Hi there. My name is Elizbar “Lightfellow” Ramazashvili, I’m an Editor-in-Chief at DashFight. Last month, we launched this monthly rubric where I casually talk about our achievements, news, and various FGC topics. And it’s time for the second entry in the series. Hope you’re feeling well, both physically and mentally, considering the state of the world we’re living in.

Last month, much like September, was a month of guides for DashFight. Thanks to various players in the NRS community, we’ve been able to cover most of the MK1’s roster with guides that can help you become a better player.

Out of those we did in October, you liked Raiden, Kenshi, and Kung Lao the most.

We also launched several cool rubrics: a revived and reinvigorated “Weekly Mod Highlights,” that brings some of the best fighting game mods to your attention weekly, and a double-feature of the “A Day in the Life” and “What do Pro Players Listen to,” which highlight one pro-player per week and showcase how they prepare for the tournaments, what do they usually do before them, as well as their tastes in music, movies, and other entertainment media. Here are some examples of both:

It’s fascinating for me to read all these answers because I get to know these players as humans, not just those cool people from the twitch.tv streams that do insane combos. Honestly, I really recommend checking this series out.

Another really cool thing that we did last month was launch the Project L discipline support on our website. There are only six confirmed characters for now, but we expect that the final roster will have around twenty fighters. Don’t take this as some sort of inside info, it’s just an educated guess. Speaking of the character, we did a video where we discussed the possible inclusion of some of the League of Legends characters in this fighting game. It was written by yours truly, so I’m a bit biased, but I do really think you should check it out.

One additional cool thing about this launch on our website is the interaction with the community lead on Project L, Ben “Draggles” Forbes.

One more exciting thing that October brought was the Tekken 8 Closed Beta Test. We wrote our summary in this article below.

But I want to talk about it a bit more. I really liked the CBT, and Tekken 8 is shaping up to be the game I will put a lot of time into. But I’m quite miffed that my previous main, Lidia Sobieska, was excluded. There were some dev interviews from more than a year ago where they spoke about Lidia and her importance for the story moving forward, so it’s even more disheartening that she ultimately didn’t make the cut. I very much hope that she at least makes it into the first wave of DLCs. It’s always fun to learn the new characters, and I enjoyed Jun and Azucena quite a bit, but I’d still prefer to stick to someone I know decently well.

I want to touch on another topic that’s being repeated ad nauseam within the Tekken community: does Tekken 8 need guest characters or not? My honest opinion is that yes, it does. The simple fact of the matter is that guest characters increase the game’s reach. Lots of my friends tried out SoulCalibur 6 when they learned that Geralt and 2B would be in it. This could’ve also been the case with Tekken 7, but I don’t know any fans of The Walking Dead or Final Fantasy XV. I do, however, know many fans of Final Fantasy VII. The second part of the remake is coming out approximately at the same time as Tekken 8. Come on, you know what to do, Harada. Give. Us. Playable. Caith. Sith!

Jokes aside, Tifa Lockhart would be an amazing inclusion, and everyone tends to talk about her as if she’s the favorite to be made into a guest. But I’d like for you just to curb your enthusiasm a bit so as not to end up disappointed after we get another SNK 2D fighter in Tekken 8.

Oh, and watch our video on the topic:

The very last thing October usually brings is Halloween, and we celebrated it with some very thematic content. Check out this cool guide for your composite fighting game character cosplay, or watch the following two videos (and take note of the amazing thumbnail art. Isn’t it just insane?).

That’s mostly it for me today. We’re hard at work getting ready for the Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising release, which was, sadly, delayed to mid-December. And after that, it’s the finish line, the last sprint before Tekken 8. I, for one, simply can’t wait!

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