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Sentinel himself loves the combat and battles he gets to partake in for the Grand Tournament. Seeing that there are still citizens of Asgard who are in need of protection, a superhero, Sentinel, would go back to his old ways when he wasn’t participating, defending the citizens from injustice.Know more

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Character abilities

  • Defense: 7

  • Dexterity: 4

  • Speed: 6

  • Strength: 5


Info will be here soon. Stay tuned.



Henry Coates, aka Sentinel himself has one said "Good evening, America. Tonight on 'Night Owls with Henry Coates', we are discussing Sentinel. Who is this costumed vigilante? Where did he come from? Does he have a secret identity? More when we come back."

Few people, if any, would ever figure out that the renowned physicist, all star running back, and beloved talk show host of “Night Owls” Henry Coates, would also be the first and magnificent superhero named Sentinel.

Getting a PhD in Chemical Engineering, Physics, Economics, and literature before Coates grew bored and irritated by constant paperwork. Though his life would drastically change when cops who were bought out by the infamous crime boss in the area, Seven Fingers Supree to shoot and killed Coates’ father. His death sprung an idea of vengeance through Henry, using all of his gathered intelligence and intellect, he would use it and fight crime, coming into the name of Sentinel.

Inventing his own weapons, Sentinel fought and defeated everyone in his path to get to the center of a corrupted, secret society known as KABAL. Sentinels' battle with KABAL lasted years, ending when he solely destroyed their entire base, the base being buried in an obscure volcano in Kamchatka. Unmasking the leader of KABAL, unveiling him to be no one other than boyband star Josh Von Evilstein. Later, now being America’s most loved president by the people since the early days of George Washington himself, Henry still didn’t forget his job. Slipping out each night, fighting and stopping crimes all through the streets.

Now residing in Valhalla, the heaven had restored his strength to his more youthful days. Sentinel himself loves the combat and battles he gets to partake in for the Grand Tournament. Seeing that there are still citizens of Asgard who are in need of protection, a superhero, Sentinel, would go back to his old ways when he wasn’t participating, searching and defending the citizens from crime and injustice.


Sentinel wields the Grapple Hammer as his primary weapon and the Katars as his secondary weapon.

The Grapple Hammer is a heavy weapon with a lack of flowing attacks, but is an amazing weapon to punish opponents with heavy damage and knockback. As the name suggests, you can also grapple with it.

The Katars are two sharp knives that legend wears on the hands, used for fast hits in close combat.

While Sentinel’s strength and dexterity are average and lacking, he makes up for his weaknesses through his high defense and above average agility.

Key Information

Primary Weapon: Grapple Hammer

Secondary Weapon: Katars

Cost in the Store: 2,300

Bot Name: Botinel

Brawlhalla Introduction: November 12, 2014

Some Other Legends with Hammer

Some Other Legends with Katars

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