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With his last breaths, Captain Eduard Lamont had said "That fop Lucien Degas is the dreaded Highwayman? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Get out of my office."Know more

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Character abilities

  • Defense: 6

  • Dexterity: 5

  • Speed: 8

  • Strength: 3




With his last breaths, Captain Eduard Lamont had said "That fop Lucien Degas is the dreaded Highwayman? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Get out of my office."

During the mass amounts of dark violence in the French Revolution, Count Lucien Degas had lived his life in Paris with gross amounts of riches and luxury. But during the night, the dreaded, mysterious Highwayman prowled through the streets with his fellow gang members, taking prey to travelers and civilians without any consideration for mercy. The nightly outings continued until the gang's bounty price grew itself up to one hundred thousand francs. Seeing the hefty price, Lucien promoted his underling, hastily turning them in for profit with ease, lavishing in his rewards. He always despised splitting up his deserved loot with lackeys anyways.

Once being a solo act, The Highwayman truly became a figure of absolute dread, fear, and misery. Solely relying on his extraordinary speed and ruthless determination. The Highwayman would try any type of crime that would benefit his luxurious living style. Kidnapping, robbings, bet fixings, forgeries, assassinations. Nothing was beneath Lucien as long as he was paid well. Wreaking pure havoc and chaos until his title became the symbol of avarice, anarchy, and violence.

While residing in Valhalla, Lucien hasn’t stopped his schemes for wealth and power, knowing the Grand Tournament is the absolute most effective way to gain riches and influence, he’ll resort to any means and tactics to take his victory.


Lucien wields the Katars as his primary weapon and the Blasters as his secondary weapon.

The Katars are two sharp knives that legend wears on the hands, used for fast hits in close combat.

The Blasters are a quick attacking weapon for an aggressive playstyle, great for combos, and even have quite a few tricks to pull off.

While Lucien's strength heavily lacks and has average dexterity, he makes up for it with his insane speed and above-average defense. Making him a legend good for sticking onto his opponents with an aggressive assault.

Key Information:

Primary Weapon: Katars
Secondary Weapon: Blasters
Cost in the Store: 2,300
Bot Name: Loose Ion
Brawlhalla Introduction: January 9, 2015

Some Other Legends with Katars

Some Other Legends with Blasters

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