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  • Ali Ferdowsi
  • Germany

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Ali Ferdowsi, also known as "LawKorridor," is a Mortal Kombat player based in Germany. He mains The Joker with Jacqui and Fujin as secondaries. 

LawKorridor started playing at Kombat League, quickly becoming a trash-talking menace till he started participating in ESL Weekly Invitations for MK11 which he has won twice. He has won 1st place at the 2020 Massive Strike Xmas Smash & MK 11 Pro Kompetition EU West Week 5, and ranked 7th in the Champions of the Realms EU Invitational. Law has also competed in several online events including JustMeta's Konsole Kombat, Mileena Mashfest, PiFighter Online, and THE TEGRITY 2V2 (EU).

LawKorridor is very inspired by NinjaKilla, A F0xy Grampa, and VideoGamezYo. Follow him on Twitch and Twitter.




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