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King Mishima

  • USA

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Matches statistic

Matches played


Win rate


Current streak (Old → New)


Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.

Win rate


King Mishima's character usage stats

CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Heihachi0 %2

Opponents’ character usage stats

CharacterWin rateTotal usage

King Mishima's matchups

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King Mishima is a Heihachi main, American Tekken player from San Antonio, Texas, USA. He is known for participating in the Bud Light Beer League 2020 Tekken West 1 where he ranked 65th place out of 102 entrants in the Tekken 7 event. With a set win rate of 33.33%, he had a single win in the course of the event against pool 2 participant Anteaten in the losers first round. He lost his other matches against Tetsujin and S.A.M in the winners first round and losers second round respectively.

You can also check out his live stream on Twitch.