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  • Timothy P.
  • USA

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Timothy ''Tispai'' P. is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player from Frisco, Texas, United States.

Tispai is a one of the best Ike's player in Texas.

They took the 2nd place out of 39 in CSL x Texas State Ultimate Tournament and 2nd place out of 83 in Comet Clash S5 #7, the 4th place out of 150 in The Final Emblem Ultimate Series 2, the 5th place out of 61 in Blackout #2 and the 5th place in Smash Ultimate Summit 3.

Tispai competed and attained decents rankings at ANC Monthlies: One Year Anniversary, Ownageddon : SMASH presented by AfreecaTV, Wednesday Wi-Fi Wars, SMASH LEGENDS 2, Straight Outta Smashville, WiFight Legends, Ultimate Shockwave.

Timothy is also a cosplayer and musician. Also they is a master of Teamfight Tactics.

You can follow Tispai on Twitter, Instagram, Twitch and Youtube.