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Shu (JP)

  • Japan

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Shu (シュウ) is a Super Smash Bros veteran, having started his competitive career back in 2006 with Smash Bros. Melee. Since then, he has been an avid participant in many tournaments, competing in Brawl, SSB4, and Ultimate.

Shu's record of consistently good performances throughout the years has made him renowned as one of the best Smash players in Japan. He mains Bayonetta in SSB4, Sheik in SSBMSnake in SSBB, and SSBU.

Shu took 1st place at SHIG Tournament, defeating top contenders like ABU, KEN, and Nietono. He has also 13-16th place at EGS Cup and 97th at Umebura Japan Major 2019 in addition to several Toryumon Kiwami appearances.

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