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  • David Repicky
  • USA

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David Repicky, also known as "JerseyMan55," is an American fighting game player, sports fan, and Marketing Manager for CleanKill Esports

JerseyMan55 competes in Mortal Kombat X & 11, Injustice 2, and Dragon Ball FighterZ and has participated in various tournaments including Texas Showdown 2019, King of Sticks 2019, EVO 2017, Combo Breaker 2018, and CEO 2018.

At Kumite in Tennessee 2020, JerseyMan55 placed 65th in MK 11 singles with a 33% set win rate. He lost matches against Timboslice and Haytian_King. He also ranked 9th in MK X.

Check out his YouTube Channel here.

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