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  • Malcolm Aabid
  • USA

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Malcolm Aabid, also known as "FishSauce" is a competitive fighting game player. He mains King in Tekken 7 and is sponsored by Stop_Button.

FishSauce has competed and placed 9th at TFC 2019, 33rd at Winter Brawl 3D Edition, 49th at MomoConline, 65th at CEO 2019 & Combo Breaker 2019, and 97th at Final Round 2019.

At Bud Light Beer League Tekken East 1, he ranked 25th with 50% set wins after losing matches against Dancer and Rick_Tha_Rular.

FishSauce is also a music artist with tracks (one of which is titled Armor King) readily available for streaming on SoundCloud. Take a peek at his Twitter here.

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