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  • Earl Palisoc
  • Canada

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Earl Palisoc, also known as "Dunston," is a Canadian Super Smash Bros player. He solo mains Pikachu in Ultimate and co-mains the cute critter with Ness in Smash 4.

Previously ranked 7th in Season 1 of the Ultimate Montreal Power Rankings, Dunston has an overall set count of 71% and has won matches against top contenders including Smokk, Fwed, and Venom.

Dunston is a regular at MGC: Elite Monthly and SmashLoft Ultimate Weekly. He has teamed up with smashers like Jayy, Ramzy, and Smokk for ssbu doubles matches.

He also competed in ssbu singles and placed 9th at DreamHack Montreal 2019 & Frostfire 2020, 13th at LAN ETS 2020, 17th at Amuka Smash Cup, 49th at Get On My Level 2019, 65th at Shine 2019, 97th at Collision 2019, 129th at Let's Make Big Moves, and 385th at Super Smash Con 2019.

Dunston also plays Monster Hunter.

Take a peek at Dunston's SSBMontreal matches here.

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