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Once in Valhalla, Caspian didn't calm down: became Vraxx's doppelgänger and won the tournament; Thatch's beard was stolen and replaced with a swarm of bees. Cross's coin also attracted the attention of the restless Caspian; however, he immediately returned it.Know more

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Character abilities

  • Defense: 4

  • Dexterity: 5

  • Speed: 6

  • Strength: 7




The son of the mad king of Batavia was forced to indulge his father's whims throughout his youth. Any ideas from stealing the Royal Scepter of Hamburg to the beard of the Chinese emperor and the nose of the Egyptian sphinx — for the cunning and capable Caspian, there were no difficult tasks. These tests made the heir to the throne — a thief capable of cheating Sherlock Holmes himself.

When the Order of the Exalted Lion, led by hunters' commander Diana, invaded the kingdom to stop the madness of the tyrant head and kill the king, Caspian was already gone without any remorse. 

The former heir sharpened his thief skills, traveling around the world, and his fame spread among the common people. Replace the famous Mona Lisa for a portrait with his own equally beautiful, cunningly smiling face? Boring, let's move on. Stealing the jewels of the British crown with one hand chained behind your back? Well, it's kinda fun. How about stealing an entire city and becoming its mayor overnight? You should have seen the faces of the residents of Kyiv when they found out that Caspian had made a gamble, becoming the owner of the city legally.

But the stakes grew with every reaction of the common people because it was their approval that nourished Caspian's ego. Why not become Admiral Nelson and win the Battle of Trafalgar? No, boring again... oh, I'll change into a horse and win the derby in Kentucky! Here's the fun! When Caspian wanted to be away from human amazement, no one saw the 32nd of August again.

Once in Valhalla, Caspian didn't calm down: became Vraxx's doppelgänger and won the tournament; Thatch's beard was stolen and replaced with a swarm of bees. Cross's coin also attracted the attention of the restless Caspian; however, he immediately returned it.

After all, Caspian perceives the Great Tournament as another performance, where all spectators came to gaze at his skill and applaud his antics.


Caspian's weapons are Gauntlets and Katars, which he handles so skillfully that only a very attentive enemy will have time to notice and repel the maneuver. This character is ideal for those who love agility and cunning tricks in the canon Joker style.

Gauntlets are two massive fighting metal gloves used for multiple fast attacks.

Katars are two sharp knives that legend wears on the hands, used for fast hits in close combat.

Key Information

Primary Weapon: Gauntlets

Secondary Weapon: Katars

Cost in the Store: 5,400

Bot Name: Caspiandroid

Brawlhalla Introduction: July 26, 2017

Some Other Legends with Katars

Some Other Legends with Gauntlets

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