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Mortal Kombat 1 Kung Lao Character Guide by Splash

Mortal Kombat 1 Kung Lao Character Guide by Splash

Sebastian Quintanilla
2 min
Guide by Splash

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Learn how to master the charming Earthrealm warrior with this handy pro player guide.

In Mortal Kombat 1, Kung Lao is a fearsome mixup character, although not considered among the best ones; the Earthrealm warrior does have a few tricks up his hat. To help us unravel what makes Kung Lao click in MK 1, we at DashFight, brought Kung Lao specialist Spash to help us in this pro player guide.

Kung Lao's Gameplay Basics

Best Buttons & Strings

  • D4: Really safe poke.
  • D3: Not as good as D4, but it has the advantage of being a frame faster
  • B4: Good sweep, can D4 right after for a check.
  • F2: Overhead that enables his mix-ups.
  • B3: Mid that helps check at -4F on block.
    • B3,3: Low option that drops your opponent.
    • B3,4: Overhead option that knockdown, giving you a chance to continue the pressure and mix up.
  • S1,2: -4F on block, good pressure
    • S1,2,1: Great for punishing, leads to combos.
  • S2,1: Lacks range but great up and close, leaves you plus on block.
    • S2,1,2: It is minus on block but leaves you at a good range for D4.


  • j.DB4: His diveckick is a very good special, when used from up high is has almost no recovery, meaning you can mash after in most cases.
  • DB1: Hat throw, good to break up other projectles or at least break up zoner's planning somewhat. You can direct it up, mid or low.
  • BF1: The best way to trade projectile thanks to its long hit advantage, allowing you to close in on your opponent.
  • BF2: Kung Lao's most important tool. It is his armored wakeup, combo ender, and long reach.
  • DU1: Another great armor move when Amplified, and it also allows you to move it slightly left or right.

Best Kameos For Kung Lao

Kung Lao's Bread & Butter Combos


  • 38% - S2,1,2, DB4(AMP), +J.2, DASH B2,4, DASH 1,2,1, BF2
  • 32% - S1,2,1, DB4(AMP), +J.2, DASH S,1,2, BF2
  • 33% - S1,2,1, DB4(AMP), +J.2, J1, DB4, S1,2,1, BF2


  • 27% - F2, KAMEO, DASH B,2,4, DASH S1,2,1, BF2
  • 33% - B3,3, B/KAMEO, DASH B2,4, DASH S1,2,1, BF2
  • 29% - KAMEO, B4, DASH B2,4, DASH S1,2,1, BF2
  • 31% - BF2(AMP), KAMEO, DASH, J.2, DB4, S1,2,1, BF2

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